Rocket Stove


We are the largest distributor of the StoveTec range of Rocket stoves in KwaZulu-Natal. [Edit] Update: We no longer are stockists of StoveTec or any rocket stove products.  We however highly recommend Rocketworks stoves operating out of Durban.  Please contact them here: and tell them VUTHISA sent you!

Cast-iron wood stoves have been the preferred choice of farmers and forestry companies for many years. Unfortunately over time the fireboxes are rendered ineffective and the entire stove is sold off as scrap, because parts are too costly to replace or they are simply not available anymore. Vuthisa recently however supplied one such village in KwaZulu-Natal with the StoveTec range of Rocket stoves to replace these outdated stoves. The farm owner is happy because he saved himself some money and the recipients of the stoves are happy because their homes are less smoky and they are able to cook their food faster. The StoveTec stove also uses 50% less wood than other types of stoves, reducing firewood collection costs, frequency of delivery and stockpile sizes. A win-win situation for everybody involved.

Vuthisa can supply approximately 14 (yes fourteen!) StoveTec wood/charcoal stoves for the price of 1 (one) reconditioned cast-iron wood-burning stove. These loose standing stoves can then be cemented into custom-made docking stations to serve as 2-pot or 3-pot stoves. Above each station is a hood that collects the emissions and channels it towards the chimney. The stoves are operated with just a few sticks of wood and will only occasionally give off smoke, such as when started up or when adding new wood. This particular village is connected to the electricity grid but the management company had no option but to leave it offline and revert to using wood in light of the annual electricity hikes imposed by Eskom. Kindly click on our Contact us page to obtain more information or visit the following links:

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